8 Billion Humans and Crypto Chaos: Sunday Asia Briefing


World leaders and CEOs gathering in Asia this week will have a sobering reminder of the responsibility we have for managing the resources of the planet we all live on: the United Nations has chosen Oct. 15 as the day Earth’s population will reach 8 billion (more than double the 3.2 billion folks on it when I was born). Here’s a look at the crowded week ahead:

The big meeting: G-20 leaders meet in Bali on Tuesday and Wednesday in what is likely to be a tense summit, with geopolitical tensions increasing in the region, the war dragging on in Ukraine, and inflation hurting consumers. US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping plan to have their first sit-down meeting as leaders on the sidelines on Monday. Facing the cold shoulder, Russia’s Vladimir Putin will not attend. These are the eight things to look out for. At the same time, the fifth annual Bloomberg New Economy Forum will return to Singapore. 


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